Sunday, March 22, 2009

IB night 2009

This is the night!
I'm excited for the night because I CAN STOP FEEDING MYSELF WITH MCD EVERYDAY!!!

*I didn't know the deco for the ballroom is red until the day of rehearsal and it's such a coincident that my dress is red too!*

I've fallen in love with the deco....
She's the first one started to pose with my fedora..haha
The another one~

Chooi ni and moi
The MCs of the night~
the dears~
musically enchanting -the theme of the night that why the colour of my evening bag and dress don't suit cuz I want it to be colourful..haha

Fashion police,please???

moi n yeanyeon
I dragged him along to take this pic to see what do I look like with the flower on..haha
I stole this flower from the washroom..haha
The first dish....The whole night I only got to eat a piece of mushroom and a lil' bit of the first dish...
The MCs..we're more to party than attending a dinner..haha
Frankie and minyin

Moi,francis,benny and andy
Moi and benny~
This is the only moment that I've got to sit down at take a pic..haha
moi n aen
Our performance for the final year students~
The funny interactive session with the Dean
Jo and huijing
My choreographer for the ballroom dance performance...he's awesome!
This pretty lady is also the choreographer
The couples for the dance with the choreographers

The so-called prince charming of the night but he didn't win the title for prom king of the night...such a waste!
moi and frankie
jo and winnie

I love the lighting~
Jo,yeanyeon,and I dun even know his name as he's the one invited to take a pic together
sylvia and jo
The guy who asked to take a pic with him....Jo and tam....This is the 1st time I met him..haha
DArlings~who worked hard for the program

Last pic before I left

p/s:It's nice to be the Master of the Ceremony because there'll be many people keep asking me to take a pic with them even though I just sat there doing nothing..haha...too tired.

pp/s:I'm not regretted for doing such a big decision for one of the performance even though it created alot of unwanted chaos.The decision is the most satisfied one for me on that night.

ppp/s:I have to suffer with the rest of the days after the dinner because I wore a 4 inch high heels during the whole night even though I sprained my leg and it's never been recovered.

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